Balance config file
Filename: lightwithin_balancing.yml
Server side config which manages things like the min/max duration and power of each light type as well as other balance settings specific to each light type. Here you can find a copy updated to 1.2.0:
#The version of the config. DO NOT CHANGE IT :D | default= 2 | type= Integerversion:2#This config file lets you modify how the max and min values of each light when it activates. Be very careful while changing these, they could be already multiplied by a setting in the main config file!#The maximum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 8 | type= Integerheal_max_power:8#The maximum duration of the effect | default= 10 | type= Integerheal_max_duration:10#The minimum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 1 | type= Integerheal_min_power:1#The minimum duration of the effect | default= 4 | type= Integerheal_min_duration:4#The maximum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 8 | type= Integerdefense_max_power:8#The maximum duration of the effect | default= 10 | type= Integerdefense_max_duration:10#The minimum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 1 | type= Integerdefense_min_power:1#The minimum duration of the effect | default= 5 | type= Integerdefense_min_duration:5#The maximum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 6 | type= Integerstrength_max_power:6#The maximum duration of the effect | default= 10 | type= Integerstrength_max_duration:10#The minimum power multiplier (aka level of the effect) | default= 1 | type= Integerstrength_min_power:1#The minimum duration of the effect | default= 5 | type= Integerstrength_min_duration:5#The default damage of the light when activates. It will be multiplied by the power multiplier, and also the target will be set on fire so be careful | default= 2 | type= Integerblazing_default_damage:2#The maximum power multiplier (aka by how much the default damage gets multiplied) | default= 10 | type= Integerblazing_max_power:10#The maximum duration of the fire | default= 15 | type= Integerblazing_max_duration:15#The minimum power multiplier (aka by how much the default damage gets multiplied) | default= 1 | type= Integerblazing_min_power:1#The minimum duration of the fire | default= 5 | type= Integerblazing_min_duration:5#The damage multiplier for a critical hit (must be >= 1) | default= 1.5 | type= Doubleblazing_crit_multiplier:1.5#The multiplier of the duration in seconds, for which the target(s) will be set on fire (must be >= 1) | default= 2 | type= Integerblazing_crit_fire_multiplier:2#The damage bonus (2 = 1 hearth) when the target is ALL | default= 3 | type= Integerblazing_all_damage_bonus:3#The maximum power multiplier (aka the AMOUNT of freeze damage inflicted upon activation. 2 = 1 hearth) | default= 10 | type= Integerfrost_max_power:10#The maximum duration of the frost effect | default= 18 | type= Integerfrost_max_duration:18#The minimum power multiplier (aka the AMOUNT of freeze damage inflicted upon activation. 2 = 1 hearth) | default= 1 | type= Integerfrost_min_power:1#The minimum duration of the frost effect | default= 5 | type= Integerfrost_min_duration:5#The maximum power multiplier (Used to determine the level of the structures spawned and the bonus damage done to enemies) | default= 10 | type= Integerearthen_max_power:10#The minimum power multiplier (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integerearthen_min_power:1#The maximum duration of some effects that can be applied (like solid rock, mining fatigue) | default= 18 | type= Integerearthen_max_duration:18#The minimum duration (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integerearthen_min_duration:1#The maximum power multiplier (Used to determine the power of the status effects and the distance of the dash) | default= 10 | type= Integerwind_max_power:10#The minimum power multiplier (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integerwind_min_power:1#The maximum duration of some effects that can be applied (like speed, haste, slow falling) | default= 18 | type= Integerwind_max_duration:18#The minimum duration (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integerwind_min_duration:1#The maximum power multiplier (Determines power of status effects, number of drowned spawned, if the cage will spawn a trident and lightning ) | default= 10 | type= Integeraqua_max_power:10#The minimum power multiplier (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_min_power:1#The maximum duration of some effects that can be applied (like water slide, conduit, etc.) | default= 18 | type= Integeraqua_max_duration:18#The minimum duration (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integeraqua_min_duration:1#The maximum power multiplier (Determines power of status effects, number of glowing entities seen, their category, number of puffs spawned ) | default= 10 | type= Integerforest_aura_max_power:10#The minimum power multiplier (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integerforest_aura_min_power:1#The maximum duration of some effects that can be applied (the duration of the effects, the amount of time in which the puffs are spawned) | default= 18 | type= Integerforest_aura_max_duration:18#The minimum duration (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integerforest_aura_min_duration:1#How far puffs affect other entities. Aka how close an entity needs to be in order to obtain the effect of the puff | default= 1.5 | type= Doubleforest_aura_puff_action_block_range:1.5#How far from the caster can puffs spawn, expressed in blocks | default= 4.5 | type= Doubleforest_aura_puff_max_spawn_distance:4.5#How close to the caster can puffs spawn, expressed in blocks | default= 0.7 | type= Doubleforest_aura_puff_min_spawn_distance:0.7#How much to multiply the base total duration of the puff effects of. The base total duration is equal to the duration of the light | default= 1.2 | type= Doubleforest_aura_puff_duration_multiplier:1.2#The maximum power multiplier (Determines power of status effects, how many lightnings are summonable and how many spawn in a storm ) | default= 10 | type= Integerthunder_aura_max_power:10#The minimum power multiplier (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integerthunder_aura_min_power:1#The maximum duration of some effects that can be applied (like thunder aura and storm aura etc.) | default= 18 | type= Integerthunder_aura_max_duration:18#The minimum duration (see above) | default= 1 | type= Integerthunder_aura_min_duration:1#The minimum radius that the superstorm (the area in which lightnings spawn) spans across. Bear in mind that it will be increased by one block per level of power multiplier | default= 15 | type= Integerthunder_aura_variant_storm_min_size:15#The number of lightnings that will be spawned in the superstorm in each second per every power multiplier level | default= 1 | type= Integerthunder_aura_variant_lightnings_per_level:1#The max number of lightnings that a player can spawn per every power multiplier level | default= 1 | type= Integerthunder_aura_all_lightnings_per_level:1