LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

LightWithin configs

Client config files

Filename: lightwithin_client.yml

Client side config which manages display settings like the position of rendered items on screen like the runes and the light icons. Can be edited in game using YetAnotherConfigLib. Here you can find a copy updated to 1.2.0: Note: you can't manually change the presets, you will need to use YACL to do that. But you can still change the x,y values.

#The version of the config. DO NOT CHANGE IT :D | default= 2 | type= Integer
#This config file lets you modify client rendering options, such as displaying the light ready icon in a different location or hiding it
#The maximum x coordinate of your screen seems to be: 640, while your y coordinate seems to be: 331 and your scale factor: 3.0
#The x coordinate of the light ready icon position on your screen. A value of 0 corresponds to left side. | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The y coordinate of the light ready icon position on your screen. A value of 0 corresponds to top side. | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The x coordinate of the light charge icon position on your screen. A value of 0 corresponds to left side. | default= 10 | type= Integer
#The y coordinate of the light charge icon position on your screen. A value of 0 corresponds to top side. | default= 10 | type= Integer
#Make this number bigger to make the light ready icon bigger, make it smaller to have a smaller light icon! | default= 1.0 | type= Double
#Make this number bigger to make the light charge icon bigger, make it smaller to have a smaller light icon! | default= 1.0 | type= Double
#Make this number bigger to make the light runes bigger, make it smaller to have a smaller rune! | default= 0.5 | type= Double
#The position of the light ready icon using presets, such as CENTER, TOP/BOTTOM LEFT/RIGHT etc. Can only be modified while using YACL. | default= TOP_LEFT | type= String
#The position of the light charge icon using presets, such as CENTER, TOP/BOTTOM LEFT/RIGHT etc. Can only be modified while using YACL. | default= TOP_LEFT | type= String
#Hide the light charges icon, but still displays the light ready one, or the error one if you do something that's not allowed | default= false | type= Boolean
#See players that have light charges ready glow like a GlowSquid | default= true | type= Boolean
#Setting this value to false will disable runes from rendering even in first person | default= true | type= Boolean
#How many seconds should the runes last on screen? | default= 3 | type= Integer
#Scale of the item or target icons displayed after interacting with the Luxcognita berry | default= 5.0 | type= Double
#How many seconds should the item and target icons last on screen? | default= 5 | type= Integer
#Setting this value to true will activate your light as soon as it's ready. WARNING: it may be disabled by the server! | default= false | type= Boolean
#The color that will indicate enemies with the forest aura vision. You must install ColoredGlowLib to see the effect. | default= 560d03 | type= String
#The color that will indicate allies with the forest aura vision. You must install ColoredGlowLib to see the effect. | default= 2dd8ac | type= String
#Accessibility setting. Disable this if you don't want to see the Intoxicated effect shader (may give motion sickness) | default= true | type= Boolean
#Accessibility setting. Turn this off to not see the warning message every time the intoxication effect is applied to you | default= true | type= Boolean