LightWithin - Player-unique powers!

LightWithin Commands

/light set < attribute > < target > < attribute_value >

Permission required: lightwithin.commands.set

With this command you can set a light attribute for a player to a specific value. You can change:

  • The type of the light
  • The target of the light, but only if it's available for that light. (For example you can't set VARIANT to BLAZING)
  • The power of the light, limited between 1 and 10
  • The duration of the light, minimum 1
  • The max_cooldown of the light, limited between 1-120
  • The locked status of the light. If set to true, the player won't be able to activate the light no matter what.
  • The hasNaturallyTriggered status of the light. If set to true, the player will be able to use LightCharges, if false they will first need to trigger their light in a natural way. After they have done that, they will be able to use LightCharges.
  • The max_charges of the light, limited between 0-9

The first argument is one of the values above, the second one it's the target of this change and can be a player or multiple ones. The third one is the value you want the new attribute to have.